Все публикации

eradicator installation

Vulgate translation test stream

[PC98] ABA - Entax (1994)

joseph stern The Matter and Form of Maimonides' Guide

Maimonides Guide of the Preplexed Part 2 chapter 40

some short thought on Euthyphro

Reading in Meno #1

Leo Strauss on socrates on his conviction and the liberalism of athens

On the writing style

Introduction by Al-Farabi to his summary for Plato's Laws(tr. Muhsin Mahadi)

Maimonides' The Guide of the Perplexed Part 1 chapter 31(tr. Shlomo Pines)

On Science and Politics

25/07/2014 Darius Gaiden [A-B-D-G]

Darius Gaiden 12.07.2014

Darius Gaiden 04/07/2014

Darius Gaiden 02/07/2014

Darius Gaiden 30.06.2014