Все публикации

SS101: Signals & Systems Unit-3 Important question and answer | SS Important Questions

SS96: Signals and Systems | Zero-Order Hold and its Transfer Function (Practical Reconstruction)

CN50: Network connecting Devices (Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router, and Brouter) Part-2

CN49: Network connecting Devices (Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router, and Brouter)

COA48: COA Important Topic Unit-Wise For Semester Exam | Computer Organization and Architecture

COA47: Serial Communication: Synchronous & Asynchronous Communication, Communication nterfaces.

COA46: I/O Channels and Processors | Introduction of Input-Output Processor

COA45: Programmed I/O | interrupt initiated I/O and Direct Memory Access

COA44: Types of interrupts and exceptions | Input- Output interrupts |

COA43: Input/Output Ports | Internal port | External port | Serial Port | Parallel Port

COA42: Peripheral Devices | Input - Output Interface | I/O Interface in Computer Architecture

COA41: Unit-5 | Input / Output | Peripheral devices | I/O interface | I/O ports

COA40: Virtual Memory: Concept and Implementation

COA39: Auxiliary memories: Magnetic disk, Magnetic tape and Optical disks

COA38: Auxiliary memories: Magnetic disk, Magnetic tape and Optical disks

COA37: Cache Memories Mapping | K-way Set Associative Mapping

COA36: Cache Memories Mapping | Direct Mapping | Associative Mapping | Set-associative Mapping

COA35: Cache Memories: Concept and Design Issues & Performance Part-2

COA34: Cache Memories: Concept and Design Issues & Performance

COA33: 2.5D Memory organization | Memory Organization in Computer Architecture

COA32: 2D and 2.5D Memory organization| Memory Organization in Computer Architecture

SS89: Nyquist Rate and Nyquist Interval | The Sampling Theorem

COA31: Semiconductor RAM Memories | Main Memory | SRAM | DRAM | Types of Semiconductor Memory

COA30: Memory: Basic Concept and Hierarchy | Design and Characteristics of Memory Hierarchy