Все публикации

Messy to Cleaned up code | Python

Guess the number python code

Typing game | Typing race 🏎️

How to switch off your pc or laptop in a click

How to install Microsoft powertoys

Word Wrap in VS CODE #coding #programmer

4 WAYS to clear your VSCODE terminal #coding #programmer

Every Newbie programmer #coding

Overloading in Python #python

Quick sort code in Python #python

Best websites to learn typing | Improve Your Typing Speed with These Amazing Websites

Super() method in python #python

Encapsulation in Python #python #programming

Difference between 'is' , '==' and '=' in Python

Calculator using HTML #coding #html

Simple HTML code #HTML

all() function in Python #python

Using split function in Python #coding #python

Installing numpy module in VS Code #python

How to install numpy module in VS Code #Python #VSCode

Insertion Sort code in Python #python

Selection Sort Code in Python

Chat GPT 🧑‍💻

Add Digits ➕🔢 Leet code #python