Все публикации

Talk to each other - (Comedy made in Africa)

My lovely new Job - (Comedy made in Africa)

FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE (Comedy made in Africa)

Passionate kiss - (Comedy made in Africa)

Technology will get us killed - (Comedy made in Africa)

All women are cheaters - Comedy made in Africa

IPHONE ZP - Comedy made in Africa.

FUNNIEST CLIPS COMPILATION 5 (Comedy made in Africa)

The consequences are high - (Comedy made in Africa).

By the way you lose nothing (Comedy made in Africa)

misunderstanding (Comedy made in Africa)

You cant serve two masters at ago.(Comedy made in Africa)

Delete my number - Comedy made in Africa

Caught Red-handed. Comedy made in Africa

Why do u drink during day? (Comedy made in Africa)

POINT OF NO RETURN (Comedy made in Africa)

THE JOB INTERVIEW (Comedy made in Africa)

When the going gets tough (Comedy made in Africa)

Satisfaction guaranteed (Comedy made in Africa)

African problems must be communal (Comedy made in Africa)

The crazy teacher -(Comedy made in Africa)

funny Christmass moment at work 2015 - Comedy made in Africa

Comedy made in Africa - who is fooling who?

Pay back time. Comedy made in Africa