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Layla Santanello, Missing from Kingsport. Huge clues about her.If her mom sees this, I will help.

Summer Wells, buckle in, and hold on . This session is almost too real. I need help from everyone.

Summer Wells,It is a tear jerker.This confirms almost everything.One of the most important session.

Nicola Bulley, This was not a accident. They need to look in her blood .They are missing something

Summer Wells, The loop that never makes sense. Ground footage and evps. Tell me what you feel?

Summer Wells, Spirit box session with video of my trip to Tennessee. Things look a lot different.

Dylan Rounds, the spirits say there was more than one involved. I think the farm was a cover-up .

Spirit Minipulate using AI on Michael Vaughn.He was been watched #ai #michaelvaughn #missing

The spirits tell #summerwells happy birthday #spiritbox

Lisa Marie Presley ,In her father arms once more .

Summer Wells, Hunter, Ronnie, Anthony the truck driver, Don ,Candus stop playing because summer not

Having one of them days, I miss my mom . So I made a beautiful cup to wake up to each day

Real raw evps and spirits caught on cam! I live this day in and out, and no headphones are needed.

Idaho 4,Nothing but a voice recorder. I hope this helps.Only spirit manipulation.They were followed

Madalina Cojocaru,Missing from NC for over 3 weeks before reporting. Wait till the end . Here we go.

I have been waiting weeks for this music box to go off . It finally did 4 times starting at 2.22 am

One and million chances this is what I would get. Spirits minipulating aI . #dylanrounds #mystery

Summer wells using aI they showed me this with no shoe. What is the chances #summerwells

Useing aI I ask the spirits to show me summer wells. what do you think ? #summerwells

Dylan Rounds,Did everyone forget about Dylan?Listen as he give very fwd answers to everything I ask

The Idaho four, they tell me it was someone they knew. Does Thomas that is a cook mean anything?

Dylan Rounds,This is the 2 time he lead me to the same place. Does anyone know a Kevin in this case?

Quinton Simon, For the people that have seach and for the people that are going to. Has he seen you

Quinton Simon, Please I'm begging you . If you are searching get to this place. This is not a joke