Все публикации

GRAY WHALE ─ Orcas' Most Underrated Rival!

ASIAN | JAPANESE GIANT HORNET ─ The Ruthless Bee Assassin!

MUSKOX ─ Titan Tank of the Arctic

FISHING CAT ─ The Cunning Feline that Hunts Underwater

SAND CAT ─ The Pint-sized Grim Reaper of Desert Vipers!

PILOT WHALE ─ Even Orcas are Afraid of the Cheetahs of the Deep Sea!

PALLAS'S CAT aka MANUL ─ World's Rarest Most Temperamental Grumpy Cat

This Exotic Alien Salamander Snacks on its Own Siblings

FALSE KILLER WHALE ─ The Fierce Doppelgänger of the Mighty Orca

AMUR LEOPARD — The Rarest Most Endangered Frost-Fanged Feline in The World

NARWHAL ─ The Jedi of The Sea! Narwhal vs Orcas, Polar Bears and Humans

SHOEBILL STORK ─ The Jurassic Master Hunter of The Wetlands! Shoebill vs Lungfish

BARRACUDA ─ A Bloodthirsty Angry Marine Butcher That Can Kill a Human!


GRIZZLY BEAR ─ Nothing Can Stop This Absolute Unit of a Beast! Grizzly Bear vs bear wolves & bison

SPERM WHALE ─ The Killer of Killer Whales! Sperm Whale vs orca

SECRETARY BIRD ─ A Fierce Dancing Snakes Killer! Secretary Bird vs snakes

SNOW LEOPARD | IRBIS ─ The Shadow Hunter of The Himalayan Mountains

🐕 DINGO ─ The Wild Killer of Kangaroos and Monitor Lizards🐕 Dingo vs sheep and kangaroo

WOLVERINE ─ The Most Ferocious Animal on Earth! Wolverine vs wolf and deer

BOBBIT WORM ─ Deadliest Creature in The Ocean!

SALTWATER CROCODILE ─ Even Humans, Sharks and Tigers are Afraid of this Monster

🦑 VAMPIRE SQUID... From Hell !! 🦑

LEOPARD SEAL ─ Deadliest Beast of the Antarctic