Все публикации

Camp MIND 2024

Empowering Every Learner: Collaborative Strategies for Supporting Students with Disabilities (2024)

Developmental Trajectories of Early Caregiver-child Synchrony in the Context of Autism and ADHD (24)

Science MINDS: Jonathan Posner, Duke University (2024)

Fragile X: Ground Zero (2022)

Aprendiendo Juntos conferencia destinada a mejorar la calidad de vida. (2023)

Evaluation of the Family Navigator Program at UC Davis (2023)

The Speech and Language skills of children with Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome & Costello syndrome

CARE: Preference Assessments (2023)

Science MINDS: Adriana Galván, professor of psychology, UCLA (2023)

ECHO Autismo: Impact of Resource Dissemination (2023)

Personal Utility of Whole Genome Sequencing for Adults with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (2023)

Psychoeducational Training Needs Assessment with ODI Women’s Wellness Cohort (2023)

Autism, Joint Hypermobility, & Orthostatic Intolerance

Mindful awareness for self-care: Tips for parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities

What has neuroscience revealed about the adolescent Brain? (2023)

Science MINDS: Stephen Hinshaw, UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco (2023)

Experiencia en el estudio, diagnóstico y seguimiento del Síndrome X-frágil (2023)

Gender diversity in autism and the NeuroTeens support group (2023)

Autism: In their own words

Aprendizaje Estadístico en Autismo y Síndrome de Down (2023)

Language Matters: Plain Language Training Part One (2023)

Science MINDS: Christine Wu Nordahl, professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Mirella Dapretto, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UCLA (2023)