Все публикации

The Geographers that Ate Themselves 1/4

Fear 1/4

M. Curtis Allen - On the Matter of Norms

Sean Griffiths - Towards a Sellarsian Theory of Architecture

Ray Brassier (Keynote) - Norms, Facts, and Forms: Capital as Third Thing

Patrick Creamer - Alienated Learning

Rory Phillips - A Programmatic Marxian Reading of the Manifest and ScientificImages

Ruben Noorloos - Brandom Meets Freire (Marx & the Pittsburgh School Conference)

Vanessa Wills (Keynote) - Marx from the Outside In

Kevin Temple - Philosophy and the Numismatic Image of the Human

Justin Evans - ‘What Mediates Capitalism?’

Inigo Wilkins - Epistemically Self-Ablaze

J.-P. Caron - Cognitive Mapping between Althusser and Sellars

Jan Derry - The Deficit Model in Pedagogy

Giacomo Turbanti - The Game of Giving and Asking for Labor

Filipe Felizardo - LABOR IS NOT “¬” ENOUGH

Kyrill Potapov — From the Bee to the Architect

Dionysis Christias - Ideology as the Reification of Normative Force

Edward Wilson - The Event as Given: Badiou & Sellars

David Bremner - Sellarsian Dot-Quotes Between Hegel and Marx

Carl Sachs - The Materialist Ground of the Myth of the Given

Amanda Beech (Keynote) - What is Art Doing when it is Saying How Things Are?

Boris Hennig - Conceptual Powers and the Inorganic Body

Andrea Gambarotto & Thomas Van Es - Labor Theory of Culture, Dialectics and the Pittsburgh School