Все публикации

Customizing Your LLM: Tea Time

LLM Evals, For Example: Tea Time

TimePainting One's Life: Tea Time

Designing The PICTure: Tea Time

Design and Computation: Tea Time

Falling Net (2005)

Coffee or Tea Topics Requests?

Design Against AI: 2024 Design in Tech Report RAPID VERSION

Tea Time: Design vs Art / Grotesk vs Grotesque

Art in this age of AI?

Design and Artificial Intelligence: Human Creativity Will Be Fine

Design and Artificial Intelligence: Context Deepens Every Connection

Design and Artificial Intelligence: Keep The Two Building Blocks In Mind

Design and Artificial Intelligence: The One Prompting Pro-Tip That Matters

Design and Artificial Intelligence: Similarity's Got A Number

Design and Artificial Intelligence: Getting Comfortable With Non-Determinism

Design in Tech 2023: Design and Artificial Intelligence (Abridged)

Neuroscience Learnings, Note 03: Accumulating Many Patterns Lets You Overcome The Unknown

Neuroscience Learnings, Note 02: How We Choose To Focus Or Broaden Our Perspective

Neuroscience Learnings, Note 01: What We Learn Vs What We 'Uh Huh ...'

A New Beginning: The Useful MBA Starts This Summer

6/6 “INCLUSION” in How To Speak Machine: A Gentle Introduction to AI/ML

5/6 “INSTRUMENTED” in How To Speak Machine: A Gentle Introduction to AI/ML

4/6 “INCOMPLETE” in How To Speak Machine: A Gentle Introduction to AI/ML