Все публикации

Epley manoeuvre to treat posterior canal BPPV

Deep head hanging manoeuvre to treat superior or anterior canal BPPV

Epley manoeuvre for BPPV

14 November 2022

Hip/piriformis/ gluts stretches + twists

upper back stretch - lying face up (supine) using rolled towel or yoga brick.

standing twists - trikanasana triangles

psoas hip flexor stretch - reclining hero pose

yoga twists for back pain

Hip stretches, supine (thread the needle), standing, prone from forward lunge position

upper back & shoulders stretch to reverse desk 'hunching forward' posture

upper back stretch - lying face up (supine) using rolled towel or yoga brick.

My Slideshow

beach 1

Mindfulness of Breathing short version 22 mins 16 4 12


knee hug and legs rotation

back stretching and mindfulness

back bends and mindfulness

mindfulness with back bends and forward bends

mindfulness with arm sliding and arm circle

mindfulness of body and breath

mindfulness and single knee hug and leg raise

mindfully getting on the mat