Все публикации

Lecture 2 : The big picture

How close are we?

Deterministic turbulence as the WKB backbone for strongly nonlinear field theories

Parametric representation of Feynman integrals

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Chapter 2 Generating functions, Exer. 2.e.3 Zero-dimensional field theory

Chapter 3 Path integrals, sect. G1. Ward identities

Chapter 3 Path integrals, sect. G. Point transformations

Chapter 3 Path integrals, sect. E

Chapter 2 Generating functionals, sect. H

Lecture 27 : Ah, chaos!

Lecture 26 : Averaging

Lecture 28 : Wrapping it all up

Lecture 22 : Universality

Lecture 25 : Stretch & fold

Lecture 24 : Fractals/schmactals

Lecture 23 : Period doubling universality

Lecture 20 : Chaos today

Lecture 20 : Chaos yesterday

Lecture 19 : 10. One-dimensional maps

Lecture 18 : Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Lecture 17 : Finite time stability

Lecture 17 : Lorenz. Chaos!

Lecture 16 : 8.7 Poincaré maps