Все публикации

A glimpse of the past with Judy

Judge Judy interrogates a child 🚨👶🏻

Phone witness is a real thing 😂

#SpeakUp or #FakingIt #judgejudy

Mirror Mirror! on the wall.. who’s the prettiest judge of them all? - Judge Judy

The most hilarious disturbed couple you will ever see!

Busted by Husband for addiction

Be handsome, not violent please. Wife can cheat.

Judy in counter with a miserable narcissist

Con man is giving Judy a big headeache by replaying his lies all over, come in Bambi 🦌

Bad Mother of the Year 🫣 keep burning clothes

Liars always babbles

Judy caught a con husband tricking his wife financially

Robber protects his hot girlfriend from jail

Plastic Surgery is her priority over debt & children 🧖🏻‍♀️

Silly woman with silly missing things 🫡🥶

Eventful night out at the bars

The girl who embarrassed Judge Judy on Air and she never symphysis

Judy kicks a lunatic girl out of her courtroom

Court has villains too 👩🏾‍🎤

Just put up a fence, man ❌

You’re the girl friend! - Savage Judy 😂

Gossip girl with Judy for robbery

Foolish lady who trusted her husband with money 😂