Все публикации

|India VS khalistan| Khalistan tried to gain independence from India #mapping #countryballs

|Eternal Enemies| South Korea VS North Korea #countryballs #worldgeography #comparison #edit #world

|Flipping Flags|#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

How your Family describes you🥶🥶 VS 😈😈😈#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

|Eternal Enemies| Pakistan VS India | #history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

Military size of different counteries.#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

Changing flags of the countrie🤯🤯#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

😈😈When Teenagers ends their School#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

Why he is running💀💀💀#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs #trollface

India VS World #history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

Germany is different #history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

{North Korea nuclear power advantage} SUPER EDITZ #history #comparison#edit #world #mapping

Countries that can defeat any country in the war#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping

What he did...#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

World War III prediction#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

{English or Spanish} North Korea VS South Korea#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping

China VS India#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

Canada VS Belgium best comparison#history #comparison #edit #world #mapping#countryballs

Turkey VS Saudi Arabia #history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

SAARC Union VS World #history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

Turkey Greece fighting VS China India fighting#history #comparison#edit#world #mapping#countryballs

Top 12 powerful militaries in 2090 #history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs

{OTTOMAN EMPIRE VS USA} Revenge Series Part 1#world #mapping #countryballs

Super countryballs animation #history #comparison #edit #world #mapping #countryballs