Все публикации

Before a band could blowup on sites like MySpace or IG #rockbsnd #emo #poppunk #alternative

Origins of Brand New & Taking Back Sunday! #emo #emorock #takingbsckaunday #alternativerock

August 29, 2024

The beef between Taking Back Sunday & Brand New #poppunk #takingbacksunday #emobands #musicgenre

Brand New would have crushed it in 2020 if they didn’t get canceled. #poppunk #emo #bands #emobands

Who remembers the band Brand New ? #emoband #jesselacey #alternative #rock

I was the Sound Mixer on the new Laila - Not My Problem (Music Video) #notmyproblem #laila #hiphop

Unplugged version of Burnt Out by Five Day Weekend ft. J Sky #poppunk #gymclassheroes #emorap .#emo

The fall of Emo Rap resurged the Pop Punk genre #poppunk #poppunkmusic #alttok #emorap #blink182

When Pop Punk flooded memes on Tumblr #poppunk #poppunkmusic #elderemo #alttok #blink182

2000s Pop Punk (in the best way ever) ##poppunk #elderemo #poppunkmusic #minorthreat #punk #2000s

Good Charolette (rap influence) #goodcharlotte #blink182 #poppunkmusic #poppunk #elderemo #alttok

Sum 41 influenced by (Beastie Boys) #sum41 #blink182 #poppunk #elderemo #alttok #poppunkmusic

What made Blink 182 so great!? #blink182 #poppunk #elderemo #alttok #poppunkmusic #poppunksnotdead

Evolution of Pop Punk #poppunk #poppunkmusic #alttok #alternativemusic #blink182

Precursor to (1998s Pop Punk) #poppunk #elderemo #alttok #blink182 #poppunkmusic

Pop Punk Gatekeepers -who’s really listening to this music #poppunk #blink182 #alttok #poppunkmusic

Quote on Quote “Pop Punk Posers” #poppunk #blink182 #alttok #elderemo #poppunkvibes

Pop PUNKers in 2024 be like !!! #poppunk #alternativemusic #elderemo #blink182 #goodcharlotte

2 burnt out dudes making music. #poppunk #punkrap #alternativemusic #alttok

The MGK sound !!! #mgk #machinegunkelly #emorap #hiphop #poppunk

Genre : Sadboy reaction !?? Is the the greatest emo rap emo of 2024? #mgk #tripperedd #emorap

Who is the grandfather of Emo Rap ? #emorap #lilpeep #gothboyclique #emorapper

Emo Rap shined a light on the masked cultural issues of EDM. #emorap #lilpeep #emorappers