Все публикации

Bioinformatics Tools and Applications (Part - 3)

Bioinformatics Tools and Applications (Part - 2)

Bioinformatics Tools and Applications (Part - 1)

Designer Plants for Molecular Farming (Part-2)

Agricultural Impact to Water Quality (Part 1)

Translational Research for Sustainable Development (Part 2)

Renewable Energy & Targets Charting Uncharted Renewable Energy Source of Geothermal Energy

Graphs, Networks and Combinatorics (ICGNC 2023)

Plagiarism ( Part - 1)

Plagiarism ( Part - 2)

Plagiarism ( Part - 4)

Plagiarism ( Part - 3)

Chemical Science

Moocshub 3

Moocshub 6

Moocshub 4

Moocshub 2

Moocshub 1

Moocshub 5

Moocshub 7

Moocshub Part 9

Moocshub 8

Two Week Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on Research Methodology & Data Analysis

Plagiarism Detection Tools Turnitin & Urkund