Все публикации

how i’ve used my minimalist hobonichi | april 2023 plan with me hobonichi techo a6 & flip through

my pregnancy must-have’s | essentials for every trimester! (clothes, skincare, products)

attempting an artsy & minimalist monthly bujo setup | april plan with me 2023

life update | name change, new home, how i’ve been, my struggles, pregnancy, my faith!

4 Minimalist Bullet Journal Spreads For High School Students | Simple + Practical!

10 Minimalist Bullet Journal Spread Ideas For Beginners | Helpful Tips For Starting Out

Hobonichi 2023 Techo Planner + Weeks Unboxing | A New Planning System

We're Having a Baby! | Finding Out I'm Pregnant, Telling my Husband, Life Update Chat

Vlog | fall camping trip, film festival, moving to a new place!

Bujo Q&A | Quitting Bullet Journaling, How to Avoid Procrastination, Spreads I Don’t Use

15 Simple Modest Fall Outfit Ideas | Dress-Code Appropriate, Modest Autumn Looks!

4 Simple & Minimalist Bullet Journal Spread Ideas For a Lined Notebook

What is Prayer Journaling | Benefits, Tips, Bibles I Use, My Journaling Routine!

September 2022 Plan With Me | Simple, Minimalist Bullet Journal Setup in a Lined Notebook

Vlog | Blueberry picking, daily chores, salt spring island trip, life update chat!

Simple & Minimalist Bullet Journal Setup in a Lined Notebook | Bujo on a Budget

Vlog | Chill productive days, cafe + dinner dates, visiting family, new home goods

My Daily & Weekly Bullet Journaling Routine | Weekly Plan With Me, Supplies I Use

10 Modest Summer Outfit Ideas | Why I Now Dress Modestly

5 Minimalist Bullet Journal Spread Ideas for Homemaking & Organization

How to Get Back Into Bullet Journaling | 7 Tips to Start Again (I’m Back! — Let’s Catch Up!)

5 minimalist faith spread ideas for your bullet journal! (my first faith video)

chatty february 2022 plan with me | minimalist bullet journal setup & how i use my spreads

7 important back to school tips for high school & college students (chatty)