Все публикации

My Fat Loss Dinner Meal (Get Jacked Like Jake Gyllenhaal) #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

You can Train Lower ABS (Here’s How and Why) #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

How Building Muscle Over 50 Reduces Obesity (Especially Belly Fat) #50andfit #personaltrainer

Are Full-Body Workouts as Effective as Split Training? #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

I Eat Healthy, Why Can’t I Lose Fat #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

If You’re Skinny Fat, Should You Bulk Or Cut? #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

Weight Training For Strong Bones (Important Over 50) #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

How To Stay Lean Year Round And Still Build Muscle (Even Over 50) #50andfit #personaltrainer

How Much Rest Between Sets For Muscle Growth (A Practical Discussion) #50andfit #personaltrainer

How To Exercise To Lose Fat #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

Does Creatine Prevent Muscle Loss As You Age? #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

Myths Everyone Tells You About Cardio #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

How To Build Your Whole Body In One Workout (Muscle Growth) #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

Why Is It So Hard To Lose Fat? #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

How To Add 100g Of Protein A Day (Easy) #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

Things No One Tells You About Losing Belly Fat #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

How Much Fat Can You Lose Weekly Without Losing Muscle #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

How I’d Train To Lose 30 lbs Of Body Fat #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

How I’d lose 30 lbs of body fat. Part 1 Nutrition #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer

My Fat Loss Breakfast (Get Jacked Like Jake Gyllenhaal) #50andfit #fitatfifty #motivation

Volume VS Intensity is a Lie (Muscle Growth) #50andfit #fitatfifty #musclebuilding

Manipulating Frequency to Maximize Muscle Growth (Periodization) #50andfit #musclebuilding

How Long After Being Sick Before We Can Workout? #50andfit

Fit and 50 Life Update. We’ve Got To Talk #50andfit #fitatfifty #personaltrainer