Все публикации

Spool holder k1c

Phone cable organizer

Spool holder for Creality k1c

Creality k1c 16 minutes benchy timelapse

Foldable hook


Looping C programming

Interface Demo

Abstract Class Demo

.NET Core CRUD Part 2 : update and delete

C Condition Operator Review

.NET Core CRUD Part 1 : Create

Inject and use our scaffolded DbContext - EntityFramework and MySql - Asp.NET CORE AND VS Code

Model scaffolding ASP.NET Core with EntityFrameworkCore from MySQL database ON VS Code

Conditional Operation Lecture

Ask user to do another calculation (Java)

Create your first ASP.NET Core MVC application with VS Code

Setup VsCode with .NET Core (ASP.NET Core MVC)

Funny Call of Duty Mobile Bugs april25,2022