Все публикации

Disorder in cavity-modified transport and chemistry || Johannes Schachenmayer

Strong coupling and extreme anisotropy in infrared polaritonic media | Joshua Caldwell

Quantum coherence in polariton dynamics: vibrational coupling, reactivity, and disorder

Photochemistry in the strong coupling regime. A non-adiabatic perspective

Polariton Chemistry Roundtable : Single-molecule vs many-molecule strong coupling regimes

Dissipation, coherence, interferences in polaritonic molecular states strongly coupled to plasmons

Modelling realistic open quantum systems: applications to molecular polaritons | Jonathan Keeling

Prof. Lagoudakis | 07/28/2021 | Liquid Light Computing: Room Temperature Full Logic with Polaritons

Polaritons Generated from Strong Coupling between CdSe Nanoplatelets and a Dielectric Optical Cavity

Energy transfer and relaxation pathways in involving molecular polaritons

Designing the plasmonic response of nanoparticles

Real magnetic fields and artificial hamiltonians to control exciton-polariton spin || Barbara Piętka

Polaritonic Metasurfaces | Andrea Alù

Broadband room temperature pico-cavity QED with single emitters || Markus Raschke

Multi-scale computer simulations of molecular polaritons. | Gerrit Groenhof

Nonlinear optics at exciton-plasmon interfaces | Maxim Sukharev

Exciton-polaritons in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides | Chitraleema Chakraborty

Ultrastrong Coupling via Extreme Nanocavity Polaritons

Helical Topological Polaritons | Ritesh Agarwal

Plasmonic Platforms for Polaritonic Chemistry || Matthew Sheldon

Semiconducting monolayers and the prospect of valley-polaritonics || Roel Tempelaar

Novel wave function methods in cavity quantum chemistry | Henrik Koch

Cavity control of two-dimensional materials phenomena: “cavity twsitronics” | Prof. Angel Rubio

The role of cavity losses on nonadiabatic couplings and dynamics in polaritonic chemistry | J. Foley