Все публикации

Leda Maria Martins on Spiral Time and Disrupting Colonial Knowledge | ISLAA Live

Yanomami Cosmology and the Time of Hojarasca in the Work of Sheroanawë Hakihiiwë | ISLAA Live

Boa Baroque: Temporal and Corporal Intersections between Tupinambá and Jesuits in the 17th c. Amazon

Death Is a Drag: Performatic Encounters and Gambiarra Rhythms | ISLAA Live

Panel | Spilling Over: Ornament, Excess, and Unfixed Temporalities | ISLAA Live

Panel | Against the Colonial Grain: Indigenous Temporalities and Potential Histories | ISLAA Live

Prácticas transtemporales del Futurismo Andino y su resultado en el arte andino reciente | ISLAA

Missing Indigenous Histories & Material Culture in 19th Century Central American Art | ISLAA Live

Nicolás Guagnini on 'The Counter-Public Sphere in the Condor Years' | ISLAA Live

César Espinosa and Araceli Zúñiga in Conversation with Mauricio Marcin (ESP) | ISLAA Live

Panel | Contextualizing Felipe Ehrenberg | ISLAA Live

Felipe Ehrenberg's Legacy in Mexico (ESP) | ISLAA Live

Luis Camnitzer on Mail Art, Artists’ Networks, and Poema Colectivo Revolución | ISLAA Live

Alberto Greco y las Exposiciones Culturales Rodantes | ISLAA Live

Get Naked and Think! Lea Lublin and the Liberating Potential of Diagrams | ISLAA Live

Resistant Message: Margarita Paksa's Typographic Work | ISLAA Live

Pedro Figari: Pedagogía de la producción artístico-industrial en Uruguay (1900-1920) | ISLAA Live

María Freire: Su obra en el contexto del arte abstracto geométrico | ISLAA Live

Clemente Padín en Conversación con Fernanda Nogueira | ISLAA Live

Panel | International Dialogues in Experimental Design | ISLAA Live

María Cristina Rossi on Claudio Girola (ESP) | ISLAA Live

Horacio Zabala in Conversation with Iria Candela | ISLAA Live

Cal: An Analysis of the Journal’s Plastic Arts Section | ISLAA Live

Informalism’s Last Curveball: Informal Painting and Its Exegesis between Argentina and Europe