Все публикации

The only OFFICIALLY sanctioned online COURSE on MIKE MENTZER and HEAVYDUTY Training.

Keys to strength training: frequency, failure, eccentric overload and advanced techniques | HITuni

Interval training versus aerobic base training | HITuni

Why 'muscle isolation' is truly muscle emphasis | HITuni

The times when brief warm-up and cool-down protocols have a value | HITuni

Bill's thoughts on stretching and flexibility in relation to strength training | HITuni

Explaining the star rating system for exercises in Joint Friendly Fitness | HITuni

Funding Joint Friendly Fitness through Kickstarter | HITuni

Joint Friendly Fitness an Encylopedia of Exercise | HITuni

Personal trainers: this is why your clients leave | HITuni

How to attract the right clients to your fitness facility | HITuni

Key attributes of great personal trainers | HITuni

Fitness facilities: this is how you recruit the staff you need | HITuni

Personal trainers: this is how you remain excited about your career | HITuni

Personal trainers: how retain your fitness clients | HITuni

Choosing the RIGHT location for your fitness facility | HITuni

Words of wisdom for personal trainers | HITuni

The Story Behind Body By Science | HITuni

In Conversation with John Little: Setting up Nautilus North | HITuni

Simon's Experience of the Workouts Presented in the Six-Minute HIT course | HITuni

In Conversation with John Little: How John trains today | HITuni

In Conversation with John Little: High Intensity Training and the fitness industry | HITuni

John Little's New Course: The Six-Minute HIT | HITuni

Every personal trainer can and needs to learn to sell | HITuni