Все публикации

When Two Massive Subs Collided and No One Knew What Really Happened

The Tiny Ship that Drove Japan Insane

America’s Jaw-Dropping Submarine Tactic That Totally Shocked Japan

The Submarine That Almost Sparked WW3

The Only Underwater Submarine Clash Ever Recorded

Strangest Looking Most Highly Classified Aircraft Carrier Ever Built

The Colossal Ship That Was Going to End WW2 Instead of the Atomic Bomb

The Insanely Fast WW2 Destroyer that Took Everyone By Surprise

The Secret Device that Made this American Ship Unsinkable

The US Submarine Tactic that Ended Terribly

The WW2 Battleship That Struck a Target From an Impossible Distance

The Brutal Battleship that Pounded Ever Single Shore Around the World

The Warship That Was a Greater Threat to Its Fleet Than to the Enemy

The Ship that Became America's Most Brutal Payback Weapon

The Ship that Refused to Die for a Final Revenge Mission

Iranian Vessel's Unexpected Attack Against an Insanely Armored US Warship

Something an Enemy Submarine Never Did Before

The Most Important Ship the US Ever Sunk

The Secret WW2 Disaster No One Was Allowed to Know About

The Most Horrifying Ending of an Allied Ship in WW2

The Crazy Ship that Attacked a Giant Fleet & Took 5000 Shells to Sink

The Bizarre Metallic Submarine that Snatched a Thermonuclear Bomb

The Ship That Went on a Rampage of Total Revenge

The Weird Looking Ship that Almost Started WW3