Все публикации

Μανώλης Γεωργούλης, Διευθυντής Ερευνών: «Ηλιακές Εκρήξεις, από την κατανόηση στην πρόγνωση»

Βασίλειος Αρχοντής: Θεωρία, παρατηρήσεις και προσομοιώσεις των Ηλιακών μαγνητικών πεδίων

Philip Mocz: 'First Galaxies in Cold, Warm, and Fuzzy Dark Matter Cosmologies'

Nικόλαος Στεργιούλας: Αστρονομία Βαρυτικών Κυμάτων

Rainer Hollerbach: Magnetorotational Instabilities in Cylindrical Taylor-Couette Flows

Dave Tsang 'Neutron Star Resonant Shattering Flares as Multimessenger Probes of Nuclear Physics'

Ψ and Ω of an octupole magnetic field evolving towards the Hall attractor

Evolution of an octupole to the Hall attractor

Evolution of a quadrupolar poloidal magnetic field to the Hall attractor

Evolution of a magnetic field starting in the state of Hall attractor

Ohmically decaying magnetic field

(Omega , Psi) under Ohmic dissipation

Ψ and Ω for the Hall attractor

Ψ and Ω for a quadrupolar magnetic field

Magnetic Field Structure (Barotropic Equilibrium initial Condition)

Hall Attractor (Barotropic Equilibrium Initial Condition)