Все публикации

Short trick- 3

Short trick- 2

Short trick - 1

Solution of DHA-3 , Linear Differential equations with constant coefficients

Laplace Transforms Day1

Sandwich Theorem and its use to prove limit sinx /x as x tends to zero.

Difference between Permutation and combination

Reversal Law for Inverse

Reversal Law for Adjoint of Matrices

Problems on rank| trace| determinant of a matrix

Matrices | Eigen values | Eigen equation | Solution of DHA 5

Why Set Theory is Important?

Contrapositive statement and Inverse statement

Group theory| CSIR-NET| GATE | UPHESC

Linear dependence and independence of vectors

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors


Some problems on rank and nullity

Rank and Nullity of a Matrix

Problems on Matrices

Skew Symmetric Matrix

Division by 2 or 3 digits number | Tricks for Fast Division

Functions | Types of functions| Functions 12th class maths

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions | Critical Thinking