Все публикации

Bel Canto Company - 'I'll Be On My Way' - arr. Shawn Kirchner

Durham Symphony Orchestra - Polacca from Sleeping Beauty - Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Imani Winds - III. Without Love and Beauty (Immigrant Songs) - Jeff Scott

Hoke County HS Wind Ensemble - 'Kaleidoscope Eyes' (World Premiere) - Katahj Copley

West Johnston High School Wind Ensemble 'Blue Shades' - Frank Ticheli

West Johnston High School Wind Ensemble 'Hold This Boy and Listen' - Carter Pann

West Johnston High School Wind Ensemble 'Purple Pageant' - Karl L. King, arr. John Paynter

West Johnston High School Symphonic Band 'Grand Galop' - Johnnie Vinson

West Johnston High School Symphonic Band 'Where the Sun Breaks Through the Mist' - Michael Sweeney

West Johnston High School Symphonic Band 'On Cloud Nine' - Richard Saucedo

Cleveland High School Wind Ensemble 'Hounds of Spring' - Alfred Reed

Cleveland High School Wind Ensemble 'Circus Days' - Karl L. King, arr. Loras Schissel

Cleveland High School Wind Ensemble 'Arabesque' - Samuel Hazo

Cleveland High School Concert Band 'Riders on the Wind' - Douglas Akey

Cleveland High School Concert Band 'Where the Black Hawk Soars' - Robert W. Smith

Cleveland Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Band 'Celtic Air and March' - Michael Sweeney

Cleveland Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Band 'Engines of Resistance' - Larry Clark

Cleveland Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Band 'The Collegiate' - David Martyn

Swift Creek 7th & 8th Grade Band - 'Full Circle' - Mekel Rogers

Swift Creek 7th & 8th Grade Band 'Too Beautiful for Words' - Rob Grice

Swift Creek 7th & 8th Grade Band 'Union March' - Mekel Rogers

WVC - Song to the Moon (La Luna) - music Z. Randall Stroope, text Jaroslov Kuapil, Z.Randall Stroope

Women's Voices Chorus - Moon Goddess - music Jocelyn Hagen, text Enheduanna (ca. 2300 BC)

Cantari - 'Elohim Hashivenu' - Salamone Rossi