Все публикации

Poland and the Renewal of the Roman Empire in the year 1000

How academics can talk to pseudoarchaeology fans

What wheelbarrows can teach us about world history

Time travel to medieval Europe - Q&A

Happy Genghis Khan Day! (Why is Genghis Khan Day?)

Advice for time traveling to medieval Europe

The Reluctant President: Reelecting George Washington

The boring truth about the Library of Alexandria

Medieval Arabic names had 5 parts, but no surname

Why precolonial Africa didn't have the wheel

The election of George Washington was weirder than you think

Why didn't George Washington vote for himself?

Politely asking Genghis Khan to stop killing people

Were the Ottomans a Roman dynasty?

How the world got to 8 billion

Did people eat spoiled meat in the Middle Ages?

Rome didn't fall when you think it did

The History of Iran: A Primer

The REAL reasons European colonialism was possible

The Alaska Purchase – debunking a myth

Persia or Iran? Farsi or Persian? Which one is right?