Все публикации

Automate coding in Visual Studio Code with Python

Phishing Email Detection Code using Machine Learning in Python

Simple Intrusion Detection System IDS in Python

SMTP Email Forensics

Simple Chat Bot using the Chatter Bot library in Python

Firefox Browsing History using Python Digital Forensics

Read text from an image on a Linux system with Python

Python script that automatically types keyboard keys

Image generation with generative AI

Digital Forensics SYN Flood Attack Investigation using tshark

Scapy to send IPV4 packet in Python

PyShark Python wrapper for TShark

Windows Command Line Tutorial

ChatGPT AI to download PuTTY an telnet client for Windows and run it

Wireshark to Detect OS with TTL

NiceGUI Create web based user interfaces with Python

Nmap IDLE Scan

Nmap to Trace all the Sent and Received Packets

Nmap to Scan a whole Subnet

Hping3 UDP and TCP Packets

Operating Systems Detection using Ping Command

Nmap UDP and Host Discovery

Nmap TCP
