Все публикации

lass : an informal term that refers to a young woman or girl

fiery : bold, lively, or intense temperament

over : 'because of' or 'due to'

rabble : the common people

summon : a formal call or request for someone to come to a specific place

puffed up : arrogant, self important, or full of themselves

vital : essential, life sustaining, or of great importance

culminate : to reach the highest point or the final stage of a process or event

spring up : to appear, develop, or grow quickly and suddenly

quake : to shake or tremble

render : to provide or deliver a service or assistance

agreeable : pleasant, favorable, or in a good mood

outlandish : unusual, strange, or bizarre, often in a way that seems foreign or unbelievable

make something count : to use or do something in a way that maximizes its value or effectiveness

skulk : to move or hide in a secretive, sneaky, or suspicious way

fair : reasonable or legitimate

be in for : to be about to experience something, often something difficult or unpleasant

get down : to go to or travel to a specific location quickly

menial : a task that is simple, unskilled, or low status

recompense : compensation or reward given in return for a service or favor

hostility : feelings of antagonism, aggression, or unfriendliness toward someone or something

cut from a different cloth : fundamentally different from others, especially in a positive way

inter : to bury something, usually in a grave or tomb, typically in a ceremonial or formal way

esteem : respect, admiration, or high regard