Все публикации

Clojure 1.12.0 Release Rundown!

Eric Normand Office Hours 2024-08-08

Building a product in Clojure

Gilded Rose Code Kata in Clojure, Part 3

Gilded Rose Code Kata in Clojure, Part 2

Gilded Rose Code Kata in Clojure, Part 1

What, me worry? or Should We Fear Intelligent Machines? - Gerald Jay Sussman

On Composition - Zach Tellman

cljs.main - David Nolen

Code Hibernation and Survivability - George Kierstein

apt-get install leiningen - Elana Hashman

Building a World Class (Clojure) Team - Rebecca Kinsella

Revenge of the Pragmatists - Baishampayan Ghose

Personal Data Preservation, Inspired by Ancient Writing - Will Byrd

How far can we stretch technical debt?

How to avoid premature optimization?

What is domain modeling?

Computer Programming as an Art

Programmer as Navigator

The Humble Programmer

What's the relationship between abstraction and generality?

Why is data so powerful?

What if data is a really bad idea?

On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules