Все публикации

Software consultancy driven by purpose, not profit

Secrets of Great Conference Talks - Practical Public Speaking Advice

We're hiring a creative, get stuff done Senior Content Manager

Forecasting the Future: Intro to Machine Learning in Ruby (RailsConf 2023)

Zero downtime Rails upgrades (RailsConf 2023)

The end of legacy code (RailsConf 2023)

RubyKaigi 2023 - Interviewed Kokubun Just-In-Time

RubyKaigi 2023 - Meet the Organizer, Akira Matsuda

Ruby Kaigi 2023 - Aaron Patterson Interview

How to tell if AI threatens your job

What is a Meta Programmer?

Sustainable Learning

Get to a better place with software built to last

Do More with Less?

Building a Linkblog with Hugo, Tailwind, and NetlifyCMS

A Better Way to Sort Ruby Objects

How to Debug Rails 7 with VS Code

Please mock me

End-to-end Testing with Cypress Series: 08 DRY Test Setup

End-to-end Testing with Cypress Series: 07 DRY for Speed

End-to-end Testing with Cypress Series: 01 Welcome

End-to-end Testing with Cypress Series: 05 Isolate Test State

End-to-end Testing with Cypress Series: 03 Real-world Tests

End-to-end Testing with Cypress Series: 02 Getting Started