Все публикации

How Dune Shaped Hickman's X-Men: House of X | Krakin Krakoa #220

Top 10 Most Essential Krakoa X-Men Comics (2019 to 2023 Fast Track!)

Where's Hickman Taking the New Ultimate Universe? | CBH Live!

15 Best Marvel Comics of All Time!

15 Best DC Comics of All Time!

The Road to Hickman's Ultimate Invasion (2023)! Marvel's Ultimate Universe Returns!

Where To Start With DC Comics (2024!)

Where To Start With Marvel Comics Right Now! (2024!)

Road to X-Men: Sins of Sinister! Krakin' Krakoa #215

Davestiny Predicts Hickman's Next Marvel Book

Mutants & Celestials: What's the Connection? | Krakin' Krakoa #215

Judgement Day Tie-Ins & Knights of X Conclusion! | Comic Book Herald Live!

Creannotators #91: 'Adventuregame Comics' Interview with Jason Shiga!

X-Men vs. Eternals: The Forever Wars Begin | AXE Judgment Day #1 Review | Krakin Krakoa #214

Road to A.X.E. Judgment Day: 2022 Marvel Event! Avengers vs. X-Men vs. Eternals!

Sabretooth #5, Legion of X #3, Jim Lee X-Men Trading Cards Unboxing | Comic Book Herald Live!

Age of Apocalypse Full Event Review! | Krakin Krakoa #213

How Kieron Gillen’s X-Men Follows Hickman’s | Immortal X-Men #1 Review | Krakin Krakoa #212

Casual Krakoa: X Lives / X Deaths of Wolverine #4 Science Fiction Double Feature!

HickMania #3: Ultimates & Ultimate Hawkeye (Marvel Ultimate Universe!)

Is Moira the Ultimate Enemy?! | X Deaths of Wolverine #3 Review | Krakin Krakoa #211

X Deaths of Wolverine #2 Brings Back Powers of X | Krakin Krakoa #210

How X Deaths of Wolverine Ties Into X-Men Inferno? | Issue #1 Review | Krakin Krakoa #209

Is X Lives of Wolverine Worth It? | Issue #1 Review | Krakin Krakoa #208