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Why are there so many languages in the world? – 2023 CogSci Mind Challenge

Why are there so many languages in the world? – 2023 CogSci Mind Challenge

Why are there so many languages in the world? – 2023 CogSci Mind Challenge

Why are there so many languages in the world? – 2023 CogSci Mind Challenge

CogSci 2024 Promo

Can Machines Think -- Third Place

Can Machines Think -- First Place

Can Machines Think -- Second Place

CogSci 2023 - Sydney, Australia

T36.1: Backgroundedness Predicts Island Status of Non-finite Adjuncts in English

T20.5: Alignment of Knowing Versus Feeling the Emotion in Music During Middle-Childhood

T20.4: Modeling Cue-Integration in Emotion Inferences

T20.3: Categorizing Ambiguous Facial Expressions

T20.1: Attentional Bias for Self-Face Investigation Using Drift Diffusion Modelling

T19.5: Preschoolers and Adults Make Inferences From Novel Metaphors

T19.4: Mapping Words to the World: Adults Prioritize Grammar, But Children Prioritize Descriptions

T19.3: From Doggy to Dog: Developmental Shifts in Children's Use of Register-Specific Words

T19.2: 'Most' is Easy but 'Least' is Hard: Novel Determiner Learning in 4-Year-Olds

T19.1: Cross-Modal Perceptual Learning in Learning a Tonal Language

T18.5: Structured, Flexible, and Robust . . .

T18.4: A Neural Dynamic Model Perceptually Grounds Nested Noun Phrases

T18.3: Semantic Features of Object Concepts Generated with GPT-3

T18.2: Getting Situated: Comparative Analysis of Language Models With Experimental Categorization...

T41.5: Evaluations of Causal Claims Reflect a Trade-Off Between Informativeness and Compression