Все публикации

MATPOWER Case Building with Torrit

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8.4 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - MUT

8.3 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - GRU easy implementation

8.2 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - LSTM easy implementation

8.1 Machine Learning with Tansorflow - RNN made easy

7.2 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Grocery Prediction II

7.1 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Grocery Prediction I

6.7 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Data Churning in Pandas

6.2 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Pandas Dataframe to Numpy Array

6.5 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Pandas Replace NaN

6.4 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Pandas Series to Dataframe

6.8 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - One Hot Encoding in Pandas

6.3 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Date Time in Pandas

6.1 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Introduction to Pandas

6.6. Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Pandas Concat Dataframe

5.2 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Big Data

5.1 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Real world problems

4. Machine Learming with Tensorflow - Prediction with Keras

3. Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Terminology

2. Machine Learning with Tensorflow - First Program

1.2 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Jupyter Notebook Password

1.1 Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Jupyter Notebook Installation

0. Machine Learning with Tensorflow - Introduction