Все публикации

'LAAAARRRRRGGEEEE!!!!!' Kid narrates his poop.

Nightmare Fuel - Earthworms. Everywhere.

Wall Street Journal releases Proud Boys flashing White Power symbols - woops

CNN releases white hate symbol - woops

PayPal Refund Issue Alert - Scam? Covid? Did everybody quit?

Homemade Liquid Hand/Surface Sanitizer - No mansplaining!

Leslie Knope: Everything's okay...or is it just the same?

Tyler Durden Nunchucks

Tyler Durden Third Flash

Tyler Durden Second Flash

Andy Dwyer sneezes while hanging his gold record


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta 3

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta 1

But you know Bob, that'll only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired

Yeah! I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I'm working...

Peter: I don't like my job, and I don't think I'm gonna go anymore

Piece of shit Paper Jam!!!

Fight Club computer vandalism scene

April Blart, Mall Cop

April Ludgate Dwyer: I love him so much

Andy Dwyer: But I can already do this

Andy Dwyer, the most amazing tour guide there ever was

Ron Swanson: Everyone, get in here, NOW!