Все публикации

Has your county ever been bigger than India? | #europe #viralvideo #mapping #india

Most religious countries in each continent | #europe #viralvideo #mapping

All land ever controlled by Europe | #viralvideo #mapping #europe

Guess the correctly placed flag | #viralvideo #quiz #mapping

Election results in Germany | #viralvideo #mapping #germany

My part of upcoming collab 🤫 | #viralvideo #cvcedit

Is your country bigger than Pluto? | #mapping #viralvideo #space

 I asked the ChatGPT to name the top 10 countries with the best history | #mapping #viralvideo #fyp

Does your country say good to Mexico or golf of America? | #mapping #trending #trump

% of countries that are not in Europe | #mapping #europe #viralvideo

Borders of Iceland | #mapping #iceland #viralvideo

Is your country longer than chile? | #mapping #chile #viralvideo

All countries invaded by the UK | #mapping #viralvideo #viralshorts

YouTube: | #mapping #real #viralvideo

The empire that conquered the most land in each continent | #mapper #mapping #fyp

Which empire was the biggest? #mapping #globalmapper #geography #fyp #viralvideo

Does Bhutan recognize your country? | #mapper #mapping #fyp

Borders of Switzerland | #mapper #mapping #fyp

All land ever owned by Sweden in Europe ~ #mapping #europe #viralshorts #fyp

Main color of each European flag | #mapping #europe #fyp

National languages of European countries| #mapping #europe #geography #fyp