Все публикации

Steering vectors: tailor LLMs without training. Part I: Theory (Interpretability Series)

Steering vectors: tailor LLMs without training. Part II: Code (Interpretability Series)

Decoding hidden states of Phi-3 with LogitLens (Interpretability Series)

State Space Models (S4, S5, S6/Mamba) Explained

Influence functions for large language models - why LLMs generate what they generate

Three times artificial neural networks are nothing like the human brain (+ are they ever alike?)

Does ChatGPT memorize train data? - exploring memorization in neural networks

Bounding the generalisation error in machine learning with concentration inequalities

A very, very basic coding tutorial for distributed optimization

A very, very basic introduction into distributed optimization

Efficient distributed optimization with mirror descent + a mirror descent introduction

To interact or not? The convergence properties of interacting stochastic mirror descent.