Все публикации

Distance Between a Point and a Plane

Geometric Interpretation of the Cross Product

Cross Product

Using the Determinant to Find an Inverse Matrix

Elementary Row Operations and the Determinant

The Invertible Matrix Theorem

Finding the Inverse of an nxn Matrix

142-Applications of Parametric Equations

142-Graphing Parametric Equations by Plotting Points

142-Finding Parametric Equations for Curves Defined by Rectangular Equations

142-FInding Cartesian Equations from Curves Defined Parametrically

142-Eliminating the Parameter

142-Parameterizing a Curve

142-Graphing Polar Equations by Plotting Points

142-Testing Polar Equations for Symmetry

142-Identify and Graph Polar Equations by Converting to Rectangular Equations

142-Transforming Equations Between Polar and Rectangular Forms

142-Converting from Rectangular Coordinates to Polar Coordinates

142-Converting from Polar Coordinates to Rectangular Coordinates

142-Plotting Points Using Polar Coordinates

142-Using Heron's Formula to Find the Area of a Triangle

142-Using the Law of Cosines to Solve Oblique Triangles

142-Solving Applied Problems Using the Law of Sines

142-Finding the Area of an Oblique Triangle Using the Sine Function