Все публикации

Cat likes to greet the feet

MacIntyre's Reply to Williams and the Role of Narrative in Ethics

Aristotle on the Soul

Alasdair MacIntyre's NeoAristotelianism

MacIntyre on Bernard Williams' Critique and the Problems of NeoAristotelianism

Aristotle's Doctrines of Chance, Necessity, and the First Mover

MacIntyre on Morality and Modernity

Aristotle on the Causes of Natural Change

MacIntyre's Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity, Chapter 2

MacIntyre's Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity, Chapter 1, Part 2 of 2

Aristotle's Theory of Knowledge and Science

MacIntyre's Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity, Chapter 1, Part 1 of 2

Mill on Justice and Utility

Aristotle's Ontological Categories

Mill on the Sanction and the Proof of the Principle of Utility

Mill's Utilitarianism

Plato's Objections to the Forms in the Parmenides

Aquinas on the Power and Mutability of Human Laws

Plato's Republic, Book IX

Aquinas on the Natural Law and the Human Law

Plato's Republic, Book VIII

Plato's Republic, Book VII

Aquinas on the Effects of Law and the Eternal Law

Aquinas on the Essence and Kinds of Law