Все публикации

Record the following transactions in Journal of Ram and post them into Ledger i. Commenced business

Explain the various heads of liabilities and assets of Balance Sheet? DBPOFA

Distinguish between i Outstanding Expense & Prepaid Expensesii. Outstanding Income & Unearned income

Discuss the various Accounting Standard adopted in India?

Write short notes with example on: i . Discounting of Bills of exchange ii. Suspense Account

Differentiate between: i. Voice and non- voice processesii. Off-shoring and Out sourcing DBPOFA

What are the various Career options in a BPO industry? Explain the Growth of an individual in F&A

Why is India considered as one of the best option for the outsourcing facility? DBPOFA

Explain the difference between “core”, “core and non-critical” and “non-core and noncritical” proces

Explain the different phases in Finance and Accounting Outsourcing? . DBPOFA

Describe the various stages Enabling Technologies & their impact in a BPO organization.DBPOFA

What is cultural sensitization in USA & UK? DBPFOA

Describe various national laws and legislations for conservation and management of biodiversity.

What is conservation Biology? Explain the criteria for protection of habitats and species.

Describe biodiversity values. Explain interlinkages between biodiversity and ecosystem service MAEVS

Explain human impacts on biodiversity with suitable examples/case studies MAEVS 2024

What is Endemism? Give an account of status of Indian biodiversity as mega biodiversity center.

Define Biodiversity. Differentiate between genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem MAEVS

What is indigenous knowledge?Describe the role of traditional knowledge in biodiversity conservation

Give type of extinction and IUCN threatened category. Explain how biodiversity loss can be prevented

Explain the principles of research designs. MAEVS 2024

Discuss the factors affecting the selection of a research topic. MAEVS 2024

Explain the different types of frequency distribution. MAEVS 2024

Write short notes on the following: a. Level of significance b. Chi-square distribution MAEVS 2024