Все публикации

2020 11 23 Spotted Dove Wooing Human

2017 05 11 Young Spotted Neck Turtledove Snuggling

2019 09 23 Spotted Neck Turtledove cooing wooing his human

2019 08 26 Spotted Neck Turtledove Wooing Call

2019 07 05 Spotted Neck Turtledove Cooing

2019 07 01 Spotted Neck Turtledove getting head scratches

2019 05 28 Fluffy the Spotted Turtledove Wooing His Human

2019 04 17 Spotted Neck Turtledove Chilling On The Windowsill.

2018 11 12 Spotted Neck Turtle Dove getting head scratches

2018 06 10 Spotted Neck Turtledove Fluffy living up to his name

2018 05 17 Spotted Neck Turtledove Preening My Hand As He Sits On My Laptop Screen

2018 05 10 Turtledove cooing snuggled next to their human's shoulder

2018 03 12 Spotted Neck Turtledove Preening Owners Hand

2018 05 02 Spotted Neck Turtledove cooing

2017 09 05 Tame Spotted Turtledove morning greeting

2017 08 02 Fluffy the Spotted Turtledove 'preening' my hand as an affectionate gesture.

2017 07 06 Fluffy the Spotted Turtledove checking out the camera.

2017 05 11 Fluffy the Spotted Dove Snuggling on my shoulder

2017 03 08 Spotted Turtledove Squab calling to be fed

2017 03 10 Diamond Dove Squab Preening Feathers After Dinner Feed

2016 09 17 Shaking Out Cosplay Hairdo from Brisbane Comic-Con.

2013 09 21 Soul Dance Gala. Holly Wodetzki - Moroccan Trance Dance with Malfouf's Drumming.

2015 04 19 Lilly in the dragon egg

2015 03 20 Guinea Pigs love watermelon