Все публикации

Yes that’s really Rebecca St. James 😱

My wife and I being cute ❤️

Singing 'Poison and Wine' together

Letting things go in relationships...

Mighty To Save 🙌🏼

THREE 90s Worship ballads in under a minute 👀

Singing The Dance as a duet

One of the greatest songs 😭

Do these songs still hold up in 2024?

Singing ‘Gratitude’ as a duet ❤️

Send this to someone who might be going through something...

Our version of 'Great Is Thy Faithfulness'

This was our gift for our wedding guests 😂

'You Are The Reason' as a duet ❤️

We mashed up One Thing Remains and How He Loves 🙏🏻

We made ‘The Jesus Way’ into a duet

'Oceans' as a duet 🎤

'I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever' ❤️

If we disappeared with no explanation 😂

Singing The Dance as a duet

This Phil Wickham song is our favorite 😭

This I Promise You sung as a duet

Is this the secret to a strong relationship?

This worship song is so beautiful