Все публикации

you don't need to know how to make music to be part of the music industry

hey, kau siapa? @vanillasona

wanted to be heard, and for them to listen

kami hanya lihat pada sisi baik sahaja

kami bukan budak jahat, nakal sahaja

gym ain't for everyone

you become what you decide; don't hate the player hate the game

whatever you think he did, it wasn't him

now it be a thing...

got few words off stage

gotta stay hungry, bikin sampai jadi since day one.

showing youngins how it sposed to be

breaking up might've been a blessing in disguise...

no negativity.

controversy or not, tak goyang.

Personality + Character + Collaboration = @JoeFlizzowOfficial

@MGCPOTIONS thinks i be Krakajoa 🌋

@JoeFlizzowOfficial & @vanillasona, Batman & Robin, same ting

we brothers, nothing but love

start small, panjat bukit belakang rumah dulu

I know a lot of MCs who are so talented.. but they don't want it that bad!

tiada kebenaran ke udara? keep going till Sampai Jadi...

if you stop emailing me.. i will master Joe Flizzow's song.

Berlian MV | Out Now