Все публикации

Barn Clean out. Why I didn't buy Bulk Feed. Setting up the Pond Irrigation Pump.

Fixing our Pond Aeration System. One Year After Fish Kill, are there Fish in the Pond.

I Hit Our Water Line with the Post hole Digger. We have no water till this gets fixed.

Pig Freedom Day, Pigs Go on Pasture. Rebekah's new experience. Post Hole Digger Rebuild complete.

Ram Caught in the Cattle Chute

Lamb Stuck in the Feed Trough #livestock #sheep #farmlife

Surprise Baby Lamb is Born #sheep #farmlife

Checking out our Hay Fields

I am borrowing a seed drill to Plant our Pasture - Kasco HayMaster

Failed Attempt at burning brush Pile

Brush Cutter got Caught on Side of a Tree

I got a New Tool for cutting metal - 60 Amp Plasma cutter

Huge Turkeys going in the Freezer #homesteading #pastureraised

JI Case 730 and New Idea Hay Rake #tractor #farmlife #hay #oldiron

Old Hay Mower still doing it's Job

Antique Corn Shelling

Improving the Hay Spear

Using tiller to leveling out dirt work. - Highlight Reel

A Steer Broke Out of the Pasture

Storm Front Moving in During Evening Chores. Finally going to get some rain.

Cleaning up cut down trees and other junk. - Highlight Reel

Turkeys arrive in the mail - Highlight Reel

Using 2 Tractors on this Job. Hauling away composted manure. - Highlight Reel

cleaning out composted manure from back of old barn. - Highlight Reel