Все публикации

Bid & Ask - Les participants au marché de la négociation

Bid & Ask - Gli attori del mercato del trading

Bid & Ask - Participantes do mercado de negociação

Bid & Ask - Marktpartijen

Bid & Ask - Trading Market Participants

Introductie Warrants & Certificates 2/2

Introdução ao mundo dos Warrants e Certificados 2/2

Introduction aux Warrants & Certificats 2/2

Introduction aux Warrants & Certificats 1/2

Introductie Warrants & Certificates 1/2

Introdução ao mundo dos Warrants e Certificados 1/2

Wat is een Optie?

Introduction aux options

Best of Book

Best of Book

Introduction : contrat à dénouement financier sur matières premières

Introduction: cash-settled commodity contract

Euronext Bid & Ask - Qu’est-ce que la Bourse ?

Netting, the offsetting of opposing positions

The value of an option at expiration

Intrinsic value of cash settled options.

Option buyers and sellers, what remains?

Short put, selling put options

Long put, buying put options