Все публикации

Η μεγάλη αλλαγή που επιζητούμε ξεκινάει από μας - Γέροντας Νίκων Αγιορείτης

Διορθώνοντας τα λάθη των κληρικών - Γέροντας Νίκων Αγιορείτης

The only ways to offer aid to those who dies without hope for their salvation #death #jesus #hell

The Divine Liturgy is for both the living and the departed offering aid #orthodox #heaven #hell

The funeral of a victor over death, a soldier of the heavenly army #death #jesus #heaven #hell

A preacher with an unusual request for his wife at his funeral #jesus #death #funeral #heaven #hell

A different kind of sorrow for our dead people with hope #death #eternity #judgement #heaven #hell

Body & Soul bound together for eternity in Hell or Paradise #death #eternity #jesus #heaven #hell

Souls of the departed people reside either in Hades or Paradise #death #hades #heaven #hell #jesus

Η Κατάκριση Α' - Γέροντας Νίκων Αγιορείτης

Watch this movie about Paradise and the afterlife #life #death #angels #demons #heaven #hell #jesus

Paradise is free from physical defects and health issues #life #death #jesus #heaven #hell #icons

Family reunions with unknown relatives we’ve never met before #death #eternity #jesus #heaven #hell

Meeting our ancestors we’ve never know in our lifetime for the first time #jesus #heaven #hell

Near-death experiences don’t depict Paradise accurately as is #jesus #angels #demons #heaven #hell

Actions here turn into eternal regret there that cannot be changed forever #eternity #heaven #hell

Life after death: Same person, new state of being for all eternity #jesus #eternity #heaven #hell

The living saddens their deceased people with their persistent mourning #death #heaven #hell #jesus

Continuous sorrow from the living saddens their departed relatives #death #eternity #heaven #hell

Πώς να νικήσουμε τον Διάβολο - Γέροντας Νίκων Αγιορείτης

No time to die, but all we have is our unique lifetime to prepare for it #jesus #death #heaven #hell

Faith guarantees our comeback to use up our lamp oil here on Earth #life #death #jesus #heaven #hell

Faith can ensure a warm greeting in the afterlife only for Orthodox Christian #jesus #heaven #hell

We only stay in touch with the departed people under one condition #life #death #jesus #heaven #hell