Все публикации

DiffUtil - Improve performance of Recyclerview

Android Bottom Navigation and Drawer Navigation(with Fragment) - jetpack navigation tutorial

Android Binding Adapter - custom databinding tutorial in Kotlin

Kotlin Scope Functions - let,apply,also,run,with - Higher order function

Coroutines async await - Parallel background tasks example in android

Kotlin Coroutines tutorial for Beginners - Understand Kotlin Coroutines on Android with example

#6 DataBinding on LiveData and ViewModel - DataBinding using LiveData and ViewModel example

#5 LiveData Timer - Count down timer using LiveData example - Android LiveData tutorial

#4 ViewModelFactory Tutorial -Android ViewModelFactory example-Android Dependency Injection tutorial

#3 Android LiveData Tutorial - Android LiveData example - Android MVVM tutorial

#2 Android ViewModel Tutorial - Android Architecture Component - Jetpack Tutorial - MVVM tutorial

#1 Android ViewModel and LiveData Tutorial - Android Architecture Component - Jetpack Tutorial

Android MVVM - Android MVVM Tutorial - Android Architecture Component Tutorial

Simple Quiz App- Android Shared Preferences-store data using shared preferences tutorial

Simple Quiz App - Firebase Authentication - User login using Firebase Auth

Simple Quiz App - Options Menu with NavigationUI

Simple Quiz App - Navigation & Navigation Pop behavior

Simple Quiz App - Safe Args to pass data between fragments

Simple Quiz App-Add more Game Logic

Simple Quiz App- DataBinding

Simple Quiz App-Add some Game Logic

Simple Quiz App - Download and Introduction to the starter project

Simple Quiz App - Fragment and Navigation in Android

Simple Quiz App - App Introduction - Android App development with kotlin