Все публикации

'Short span Attention chatter...' #metroid #speedrun #twitch

'These Tricks never cease to blow my mind...' #speedrunfail #megaman #twitch

Mini tutorial: C3 Waterless #megamanx #speedrun #twitch

'You make it look easy, Clipper' #megaman #speedrun #twitch

Welcome Back to Mega Man X :) #megaman #speedrun

Why is chat so mean to me? 😭🛀🏻 #megamanx #twitch #megaman

We are SO back!

The worst luck ever #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

'Should i reset' #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

'The game crashed...WOW' #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

'This game is so good' #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

'The game crashed' #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

'I saved time' #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

Instant rage #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

'Im losing my mind' #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

Why did i do that #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

This is embarrassing #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

' That was really cool ' #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

How did i do that #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

When the Amp makes you lose the run #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

'I have no fear' #shorts #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

MARIO WHY #shorts #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

How did i do that #shorts #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64

That just happened #shorts #shorts #twitch #gaming #nintendomemes #nintendo #mario64