Все публикации

Decline of Christians in Turkey by Genocide Lethal Nationalism 2021

The Turkish Special Organization was in Charge of Massacre and Genocide, it was a central order

The Ottoman governments simply did not want the Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians to exist in Turkey

Greek Genocide Subtitles Teaser Lethal Nationalism

Turkish Teaser Lethal Nationalism Movie

They did not want these people to exists Lethal Nationalism teaser

Γενοκτονία Ποντίων Οι μαρτυρίες δύο Τούρκων μελετητών της ιστορίας

Arabic subtitles Turkish Nationalist Roll in the Greek Genocide

Ο Δρ. Τάνερ Άκσαμ μιλά το ρόλο των Τούρκων Εθνικιστών (Κεμαλιστές) στην Γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων

Η καθηγήτρια Γκοσεκ εξετάζει το αριθμό των ιθαγενών Χριστιανιανικού πληθυσμού στην Μικρά Ασία

Arabic Gocek 1897 census data

Turkish Subtitles The Roll the Turkish Nationalists had in the Greek Genocide

Turkish Subtitles, Destruction of Christians of Turkey

Fatma Gocek Decimated Population

Dr Taner Akcam make your voices louder

Recap Dec 7 2019 Lethal at the picwic

George Mavropoulos Speech Dec 7 2019

Metropolitan Nethanael Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Chicago Speech Dec 7 2019

John Davis Speech Dec 7 2019

Ekaterina Dimakis Consul General of Greece Speech Dec 7 2019

John McCarthy, writer of 'Lethal Nationalism:Genocide of the Greeks 1913-1923' remarks Dec 7, 2019

Bill Kurtis Lethal Nationalism Speech Dec 7 2019