Все публикации

How to Give Critical Feedback with Non Violent Communication - Framework for Difficult Conversations

The Secret to Giving Critical Feedback At Work - The Feedback Matrix

How to Share Critical Feedback (Even When You Don't Want To)

I learned 9 articulation frameworks from Neil deGrasse Tyson

Communication skills based on your level on the corporate ladder 🪜#communication #framework

4 Apps I Use Everyday to Organize My Messy Mind (and Life)

Ex-FAANG Exec Radha Amalraj's tips for Personal Productivity

Personal productivity is not about doing more things! It’s about… #framework #productivity

Communication at work is NOT about… #communication #framework

Communication Frameworks You Need At Work - by level | Ex-FAANG Exec Radha Amalraj

what I learned about work communication in Japan

I'm relaunching my course after 7 months!

Succeed in Your Tech Career - Tips from An Experienced FAANG Exec : Radha Amalraj

how to take notes at work: my framework infused template!

the genius of great communicators

3 Simple Ways to Make Clear & Concise Points | Stop Rambling!

Think Fast Talk Smart: 3 SIMPLE 1-Minute Communication Frameworks

slow reading | how to take smart notes (in Obsidian)

Think Fast and Talk Smart On the Spot: 1-2-3 Framework

You’re Not Stupid: How to Master Difficult Things in 4 Steps

3 Habits That (Actually) Changed My Life

Hack Your Brain With Zettelkasten - My System for Memorizing Everything

1 Simple rule I learned from Microsoft that got my to-do list under control

How I Became Articulate With My Speaking (5 Secrets)