Все публикации

James M. Wilson - Of Cicadas and Mayflies: Sacramental Beauty as the Beginning and End of Education

Michael Hanby - Quaerere Deum: What Is Education and Why Is It Catholic?

Ken Myers - Musical Harmony as Love Made Audible: Ideals for Musical Literacy

John Haigh - Anthropos vs. Omphaloskepsis, or Reality vs. Realism

Rev. Antonio López, F.S.C.B. - Educating the Human Person: A Theological Presupposition

Andrew Willard Jones - To Subdue and Have Dominion: Education for the Lay Vocation

Christopher Blum - Dwelling in Intimate Association with Nature

D.C. Schindler - The Symbolic Formation of the Heart

Jeanne Schindler - The Shallows vs. the Depths: Recovering the Conditions for a Profound Pedagogy

Daniel Gibbons - Truly Defective Words: Literature and the Sacramental Imagination

Carlo Lancellotti - Authority and Obedience in the Mathematical Experience

R.V. Young - Education and the Catholic Imagination

Fr. Jarosław Kupczak - The Continuing Importance of John Paul II’s Thought

Michael Waldstein: Person and Act as Background for the Theological Body

Nicholas Healy: The Sacramental Arc of Wojtyła's Philosophy of Action

David Crawford: Conscience and Truth: Action as Commitment to Reality

Caitlin Jolly: Action as Integration and Transcendence

D.C. Schindler: Can the Incommunicable Self Be Given? On Person, Love, and Ontological Generosity

Rev. Grzegorz Hołub: Truth, Freedom, and Self-Determination

Grzegorz Ignatik: Consciousness and The Fieri of Moral Value

Rev. Antonio López, F.S.C.B.: Experience and The Mystery of The Revelation of The Person

Rev. Jarosław Kupczak, O.P.: Karol Wojtyla’s Unveiling of the Human Person

Carl A. Anderson: The Significance of The English Critical Edition of the Works of Karol Wojtyla

Joseph Fessio, S.J.: Reflections on the Origins of Communio